Office of Diversity and Inclusion

Assessing Campus Climate

As part of its commitment to providing a learning environment free from discrimination and harassment and in support of the Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy, Brown University appoints and maintains a Campus Climate Response Team (CCRT).

The CCRT is responsible for monitoring and assessing campus climate and developing, coordinating and implementing strategies, interventions, training, and education  to address as needed campus climate challenges and concerns. Members provide subject matter expertise as needed in the  assessment of reports and/or complaints. The team meets on a regular basis (at least monthly, more often as required) to review and assess de-identified information regarding campus climate to carry out its responsibilities. The team assesses, monitors and determines any trends and informs the campus community of significant developments as appropriate.

Team Response

The CCRT can be engaged in taking action in response to individual reports, trends or areas of concern, including but not limited to training, education and awareness, interventions, and/or campus communications. Such actions will not conflict with the Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy, including but not limited to the provisions relating to the Informal Resolution Process and the Formal Resolution Process.

Complaints and reports of information received by the Office of Equity Compliance and Reporting under the Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy will be shared with the Co-Chairs of the CCRT for the purpose of carrying out the team’s charge.

Composition of the CCRT

The CCRT is co-chaired by senior members of the Office of Equity Compliance and Reporting and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and includes representatives of Human Resources, the Provost’s Office, the Department of Public Safety, and additional offices as needed. The co-chairs and members are jointly appointed by the Vice Presidents for Campus Life and Diversity and Inclusion.